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MaxBrain™ Logic Driven CMS

A big problem exists in today’s vast internet environment; the volume of information (big data) is producing diluted results for companies like Google to deliver quality relevant information for their users, (the inability to correctly categorize specific information is the issue). Website owners have their own set of problems; as their website begins to grow and add volume in the form of content it becomes lost and forgotten, which Google records and downgrades the site’s ranking, (If a website can’t send users to a particular page “lost” why should Google?). This problem of categorizing content degrades the user experience and drives the user back to Google which signals the search giant the user was not happy with the results, (even though many times the site has what the user is looking for but simply can’t find it).

Daywi has developed MaxBrain our proprietary CMS to not only manage website content but to deliver it intelligently for visitors and search engines. The key to the entire system is the granular approach to relating and refining content logically. Traditional web hosting will always have its place, but it will never be intelligent. The internet has become the backbone of today’s commerce infrastructure and has brought the world closer through shared information. Because of the limited space available at the top, organizing that information has never been more important. See how implementing a logic based CMS improves measurable metrics.

Adam Smith

Daywi INC is a Yorba Linda, California based technology development company that has created a machine learning, logic driven information/data delivery system (CMS) software called MaxBrain™ to address this paradigm. This machine learning system (deep learning) was designed to effectively create very specific information sets across a number of diverse websites.

Developed on their server environment located at the Cogent data center facility in Pasadena, California, MaxBrain™ is poised to revolutionize any website implementing this system. Daywi will offer website owners/companies the opportunity to use the MaxBrain™ software while providing server hosting which will be mandatory for the usage of the software., (an in-depth automotive repair website with over 2 million pages) was used as the build/test platform and was the first implementation of the software, the results yielded after the software launch was remarkable.

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